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Date Apr 18

Investing in Quality & Stability

Mola Archeologists

Installing tile ensures long-term stability, hygiene and beauty of floors and walls. Tiled floors are stable, long lasting and do not need to be replaced frequently due to lifting or deterioration. Tiles are classed as 'Hard flooring', ie: materials that are not flexible and do not bend when stepped on. They are resilient, durable and resistant to wear thanks to their hard, smooth surfaces. Hardness is detemined by various tests such as ‘PEI’ in accordance with the 'Porcelain-Enamel Institute' and these ratings help determine the hardness, and durability associated with each tile. Other types of flooring are not tested under such stringent conditions simply because they would not withstand and hold up against the rigorousness of the testing. Which is why Tile and Concrete are more considered hard flooring as opposed to LVT, SPC, Timber and Engineered wood. CLICK HERE for more information on PEI testing.

Adding value to your home has never come at a more crucial time. The value of property in today’s market is in a temperamental state, with prices currently on a downward trend.  If you're waiting for the next rise to sell, taking the time to create a home that will stand out helps cuts through the noise and ensure your property sells successfully.

It is well known that a home that features tile throughout has a higher perceived value. If we think about all the high-end homes in New Zealand we have seen or heard of, most are tiled throughout on floor surfaces and full height Bathroom walls and kitchen splashbacks.

Tile is synonymous with style, design, and trends coming from Europe. Countries such as Italy and Spain are renowned for setting fashion trends and this encompasses interior design and associated products chosen for renovation or build projects especially high-end and for those wanting quality surfaces.

There are many ways to boost the price of your property – some more costly than others – but tiling is one of the most efficient and cost-effective ways of upping your property’s value. Selecting design-ranges in floor and wall tiles can make all the difference when it comes time to sell. Tile can instantaneously transform the image of a quality room while giving it timeless appeal. 

Tiled floors also perform strongly in heavy traffic areas such as living spaces, have a long wear life and are easy to maintain. When you are trying to decide on which flooring to invest in, the way you plan to use the rooms in question plays a very important role. Kitchens and living areas are the central hub of most homes so ideally flooring would be highly durable and resistant for consistent foot traffic and lifestyle activities; ie: hard flooring. 'Hard Flooring' by its correct definition is a floor made of cement, stone or tiles.

By comparison, 'Soft flooring' is characterised by a high level of elasticity. Unlike hard flooring, soft flooring can more easily bend, break and fade so is a secondary floor in quality to any type of hard floor. It is more easily installed, however does not encompass the quality and longevity of hard floors and is prone to scratching, fading and damage. It looks great when first laid but eventually requires re-coating or total replacement within 5-10 years.

Mola Archeologists

The discovery of a tiled floor last year 1800 years old proves tiles durability. Not to mention back then, they were not fired to the high degree of today. This is a real testement to ceramic tile. You certainly wouldn't find timber, vinyl or any plastic-based flooring of this age! Show your homes value by ensuring your product selection results in quality finishings to enjoy living in without worry of damage and to put your best foot forward when selling.

If you would like to discuss your project further, we can assist.
Contact one of our 33 Stores or discuss with one of our Commercial Representatives.

Tile Warehouse - Making Design & Selection Easy - from the Floor up!