At Tile Warehouse, we only import Grade 1 product so you can be assured of quality tiles from the moment you step into our stores and for years to come in your own home. One of the top tile suppliers in the world that we share an excellent partnership with is Italy's ARIOSTEA. ARIOSTEA, the only ceramic company in the world that are anti-pollution and bactericidal certified! They are the world’s leading manufacturer of "photocatalytic" ceramic tiles which have anti-pollution and anti-bacterial features. 
Active Clean Air & Antibacterial CeramicTM is a photocatalytic product able to activate all the properties of the photocatalytic materials:
ANTIBACTERIAL EFFECT: We are constantly in contact with bacteria, some of which are dangerous for health. Active is 99,99% efficient on all bacteria, from the most common such as Escherichia Coli to the most dangerous such as Staphilococcus Aureus Methicillin-resistant (MRSA).
ANTI-POLLUTION EFFECT: thanks to the photocatalytic process, the volatile molecules of pollutants are converted into harmless substances, just in presence of natural or artificial light and humidity. The anti-pollution effect was proven by specific tests performed in certified academic laboratories; formaldehyde and nitrogen oxides were selected as reference molecules of the indoor and outdoor pollution respectively.
So if you're looking for the healthiest option for your family in home surfaces, chose tile. View ARIOSTEA's top selling lines at Tile Warehouse today. MARMI CLASSICI is an excellent example!